Intro to TEE BLOGS:
I was fresh out of university and ready to conquer the world, Seize the Day as it were! And so I set out to work because my old school father insisted that education and a stable job was the right way to make a living. I juggled an MBA, along with a military service and two part time jobs: One in education and one in Personal Training and when that was over I lived. I lived life to its fullest — the best way I knew how: by going out and partying EVERY NIGHT to the break of dawn. I lived on 2 to 3 hours of sleep, that were mainly cat naps anywhere and any time I could get them. Then I matured and continued my corporate life; but something was always a-miss. Some part of me knew that I wasn’t destined to work for the man; that I, needed to be the man. With that said and over a timespan of 17 years, I saw my ideas flourish and be executed in the form of … other peoples’ businesses. In 2012, I said no more and launched full heartedly in my first real entrepreneurial gig. Rumble Cycles; and from then on, the entrepreneurial bug bit me hard. I discovered the joys and difficulties of entrepreneurial life and to fuel my business I had kept my day job. A few years down the line, I shut down Rumble Cycles but kept the debt that I accumulated to keep the business going then what happened next was the biggest challenge I had yet to face.
I lost my job and quickly found my self scouring for cents to cover what I owed banks and looking for ways to survive and keep my family afloat. I went through depression, anxiety and stress got the better of me and I crumbled. I was lost with no life saving raft in sight. I took a deep breath and let myself sink; into the darkness of my mind; and just then, in my surrender; in my acceptance of where I was; I understood that I can float and I can reach the shore and I can re-buildbecause “Carpe Diem, quam minimum credula postero” Seize the Day, “trusting as little as possible in the next one”. We have but today to manage and control and it is today that I will do all that I can do; trusting little as possible in tomorrow.
Join meonadiscoveryjourney. I will share with you howyou canovercome life’s challenges, howyou cangrow and develop mental strength and agilitybecausemy missionis to transformYOUintoanextraordinary versionsof yourself